Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Peanut Butter Protein Bars

 Alrighty, you healthy nuts out there. Check out this great protein bar recipe that can be for a diabetic as well. You like all things green? Well, update your cabinet with some cannabutter and get started on this great snack. I'm not a huge health freak, but adding another herb to my collection, can't hurt right? Especially since I love peanut butter, this one seems pretty yummy. Can't wait to try it out and see its effects. These little butter balls of peanut buttery goodness got 2.5 leaves outta five. Here's the scoop:

2 TBSP no sugar peanut butter
2 TBSP cannabutter, melted
1/2 tsp liquid artificial sweetener *saccharin, stevia, liquid Spenda*
1/4 cup Splenda or 4 packets Sweet n Low

A Recipe for diabetics

Melt peanut butter and butter in microwave or double boiler.

Mix in the sweetener thoroughly.

Add protein powder and stir until able to form a ball. Roll up in a ball and kneed for a few seconds. Separate into even four even portions and roll into balls. Place in refrigerator until firm. Makes 4 servings.

The PB Bars are low carb and sugar free but are a little high on the fat count.

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