Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Let's Get Cooking!

Alrighty, Stoners!

Let's get baking. Now, mind you, I have yet to try any of the recipes that I am about to post (low on cash for weed/considering growing my own), but I promise that when I do, you will be the first to know. Even though experience is sort of lacking at the moment, I wanted to share a few recipes that I found on this website
-----> <----- These are some of their top recipes that I am going to experiment with first. Make sure to test them out yourself and share your experiences! Later on, I am going to indulge myself with some of my old family recipes that could use a bit of spicing up, if ya get my drift *winky face*

Now now, let's focus. First, I want to explain why I am doing this blog. First, I love to cook and bake. I don't get to do it very often with my job and schooling in the way, but hell, when I do, I love to experiment. Second, I love weed and the feeling of being high. I'm a huge supporter of its being legalized because I am definitely in agreement with its being a harmless plant, not this dangerous drug that we have been led to believe. Not only do I want to keep you updated on delicious foods to bake and create to give you that happy high or crave your insatiable munchies, but I also hope to keep you updated on the legalization of cannabis. Right now, only a few states in the grand US have legalized and it is booming. Check out this wiki-answer on where Mary Jane is fully legal:

No country permits free unlimited use of marijuana; in no jurisdiction is it fully legal. Those few areas that permit marijuana use still have many restrictions on it:
  • California allows use of marijuana as a prescription medicine, for its pain-alleviating and relaxant effects; there is a list of conditions for which it may be prescribed.
  • Other areas in the USA have legalised marijuana, but the federal laws of the country trump state laws, making these state and local laws somewhat irrelevant and pointless. However, it is a cloudy issue (given the tangle of statements that is the the Bill Of Rights). Basically, a federal agent may prosecute a person breaking a federal law, but the federal government cannot force or require the state government to assist in such prosecution or investigation and so many users escape punishment.
  • Marijuana in the Netherlands, contrary to popular belief, is illegal. However, the government has a policy of non-enforcement as a separation of 'soft' drugs from 'hard' ones. This involves people who have minimal amounts (5 plants or 5 grams per adult is the guideline amount) not being prosecuted or even investigated. "Coffee shops" are also often left alone, provided they have less than certain amounts on site.
  • India allows its sale for some Hindu rituals. All (legal) sales are made in government-owned shops.
  • Iranians use the seeds as a food, so their use this way is legal. Use as a psychoactive is illegal; however because of the large number of other herbs that are tolerated and legal, prosecution for this is rare.
  • Some other countries allow personal use and some small possession only (cultivation is sometimes permitted; dealing and trafficking are invariably still illegal). They include:
    • Argentina
    • Some states in Australia
    • Belgium
    • Chile
    • Colombia
    • Croatia
    • Czech Republic
    • Germany - if the amount is small, any possessed plant or drugs will be confiscated, but not prosecuted.
    • Macedonia
    • Mexico
    • Peru - possession of limited amounts is legal as long as the person does not possess any other drugs.
    • Portugal
    • Russia
    • Spain
    • Uruguay - personal use is legal but sale is not. The law does not specify an amount regarded as/as not for personal use.
    • Venezuela - possession in small amounts requires a person to take a drug rehabilitation course, but no prosecution.

    Huge debate or no, I love the plant and find the benefits of it much to outweigh the cons (if you can find any *winky face*). One of those benefits is epic let's get started!

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