Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bloody Mary-Janes

1 cup tomatoes,undrained.
1 cup finely chopped,medium green bell pepper.
1 cup finely chopped cucumbers.
1 cup croutons.
1/2 cup medium,chopped onion.

2 tablespoons dry white wine.
2 tablespoons Hash oil.
1 tablespoon ground cumin.
1 tablespoon white vinegar.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
1/4 teaspoon pepper.
2 ounces vodka.
3 drops worcerstershire sauce.
1. Blend ingredients on medium speed,in covered blender or food processor until smooth.

2. Pour ingredients into pot,cover,and refrigerate for 1 hour.

3. Enjoy

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Grassy Knoll Guacamole

Alrighty alrighty alrighty...Who doesn't love Mexican food right? Well, I've got a recipe for you that you are gonna love. Try a big whole heap of this grassy guacamole right on top of your favorite burrito or nachos. It's great to munch on with chips for a snack too. Mexican food is one of my favs so I'm really pumped to try this one out. So, I was thinking. Guacamole is usually just a side right? Well, damn...What meal could you put together that would be great with this little munchie to go on top? Enchiladas of course! With seasoned rice and limed whole beans all topped off with some special brownies for dessert. Don't worry, I will be posting all about each item's recipe, but for now, here's the scoop on the guac:

1 fresh red chile
juices of 2 limes
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 2/3 tsp finely chopped or ground cannabis buds*

1. Everything needs to be mixed together apart from the avacados and onion and left to stand for about an hour. The lime juice will react with the rest of the ingredients to draw out the flavors and THC. (We learned from our study of Herbal Tea that oils and citruses draw out the THC much better to increase potency.)

2. The avacados and onion can then be added and mashed up. A hand blender will give a really smooth mix.

3. Usually serves with tacos, heated pitas, or as a dip. Guacamole is best enjoyed fresh, but this can be kept chilled, for up to three days, because the lime juice prevents the avacados from turning brown.

SERVES 2 - 4

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sweet Dreams, Stoners

So, it's 2 am while I'm writing this post. Pretty buzzed from a couple hits on the pipe and a four loco (watermelon). Thought I might send you off for the night with a little recipe for hot tea that I found. Makes for a great way to end the night and start off a dream-filled herbal sleep. Sweet dreams and enjoy. Here's the scoop:

1 Teaspoon of butter

Like other herbs, marijuana may be made into a tea. Boil the water first and pour it over the marijuana. Let it steep for longer than you would for common black tea; approximately an hour and a half.

Add 1 tsp. of marijuana or regular butter. The effects are similar to eating it. It is easy to make marijuana tea and can be combined with mint or any other herbal tea flavors to enhance it's taste.

THC is only very slightly soluble in boiling water. Adding either some alcohol, oil, or butter to the mix will help the THC dissolve. An ounce of whole milk or a half ounce of hard liquor to a cup of boiling water increases the tea's potency quite a bit. A chai-type drink, made with marijuana leaves, spices, butter and milk would dissolve even more of the THC.

Making tea by just boiling the leaves will not release as much psychoactive THC. Since marijuana's pigments and terpenoids the components responsible for its flavor are water soluble, this tea looks and smells more promising than its effect will be. However, these non-cannabinoids may also have medicinal properties, as could other water-solubles.

Some News On Cannabis

I promised you that I would keep you updated on cannabis news and thanks to my following CannabisNews on Twitter, I got this link:


Should this concern us? What are your thoughts on kids smoking pot? In my opinion, I know there should be an age limit maybe. It just depends on what you can handle and your maturity level. To blame pot, itself though, is not wise. It's the whole blame-the-spoon-for-Rosie-being-fat thing, or blaming video games for violence.

Sure, anything can be abused even our special herb. My solution is that parents need to get involved in their kids lives without being pushy. Maybe even cook some weed products together? Educate them. Don't punish them. That goes for anyone of all ages. I always say that you need to smoke or cook or bake with people you trust. Leads to a better time too!

Follow CannabisNews on Twitter here:  https://twitter.com/#!/CannabisNews

Drink Up!

Damn! Alrighty guys, check out this wickedness that I found. I need me some of these. Can you image freezing this shizz into pops for Summer? Or maybe some mind-blowing margaritas!!! Mmmmmmhmmm baby.

Space Cake

Alrighty alrighty. This one doesn't have the most clever name, but heck, I bet it lives up to it. This recipe is the basic one, but you can use any mix or cake recipe that you like but add the "secret ingredient" to spice it up. This would be a great fund raiser recipe or birthday cake for a special friend :D This sucker is rated almost 4 leaves though, so it's gotta be great. Here's the scoop:

200 gr. of baking flour
200 CL. of milk
2 eggs
180 grams of sugar
180 grams of butter
a hot oven (200 degrees c)
a baking form

Put the butter in the microwave for about 20 seconds until it's a fat paste. Mix the hasjs with 4/5th of the butter. (heat up the hasjs with a lighter and crumble it in the butter). With the rest of the butter your fatten the baking form so you can get the cake out easy when it's done.

Now mix the butter (and hasjs), flour, eggs and milk and sugar (and the possible extra ingredient). Keep on mixing it for a few minutes until it's nice and smooth. If it's to dry: at a little milk. Is it to much of a liquid: ad a little flour.

Put the cake in the oven for about 25 minutes.
Check how it looks before opening the oven. If it's big and brown (I think you can imagine how a cake looks like) open the oven and take the cake out.

Leave it outside the oven for about 30 minutes to cool down before getting it out of it's form.

Scooby Snacks

Ruh Roh Raggie! Hahahaha...I guess we have figured out why Scooby and Shaggie loved those Scooby Snacks! Damn hippies. Gotta love 'em. Okay guys, these lil' doggies just seem delicious in nature. Great party snack in cookie form. You can make these, guys, as big or as small as you like. I bet it would be fun to put them in the shape of the original Scooby Snack from the beloved cartoon too <3. Another 2.5 leaves out of 5. Here's the scoop:

2 cups flour
2 eggs       
1 cup dry oatmeal
1 tbl vanilla
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 pound (1 stick) butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. If there is not enough liquid to mix all ingredients after 5 minutes of stirring, add a tiny amount of milk to aid in mixing of remaining ingredients. Taste batter before cooking and adjust amount of sugar to your liking. Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake for 8 to 12 minutes, depending on how large you made your cookies. Can be cooked for a shorter time for chewier cookies, or a longer time for drier, crisp cookies.


Peanut Butter Protein Bars

 Alrighty, you healthy nuts out there. Check out this great protein bar recipe that can be for a diabetic as well. You like all things green? Well, update your cabinet with some cannabutter and get started on this great snack. I'm not a huge health freak, but adding another herb to my collection, can't hurt right? Especially since I love peanut butter, this one seems pretty yummy. Can't wait to try it out and see its effects. These little butter balls of peanut buttery goodness got 2.5 leaves outta five. Here's the scoop:

2 TBSP no sugar peanut butter
2 TBSP cannabutter, melted
1/2 tsp liquid artificial sweetener *saccharin, stevia, liquid Spenda*
1/4 cup Splenda or 4 packets Sweet n Low

A Recipe for diabetics

Melt peanut butter and butter in microwave or double boiler.

Mix in the sweetener thoroughly.

Add protein powder and stir until able to form a ball. Roll up in a ball and kneed for a few seconds. Separate into even four even portions and roll into balls. Place in refrigerator until firm. Makes 4 servings.

The PB Bars are low carb and sugar free but are a little high on the fat count.

Butterscotch Space Pops

 Alrighty, here we go with our first batch of yummies. These little suckers would be epic for a party (adult of course!) so things get started to a great start. In fact, I will be posting some full-blown meals later on so you can plan events that will have your friends talking for a long time. Anyways, back to business. Not only do these little pops come out looking delicious, they will smell awesome and send you on a great buzz. They got 2 out of 5 leaves from the Stoner's Cookbook. Plus, it's easy. Well, that's what they claim. We will have to wait and find out if I agree, because browsing the recipe...to be honest, doesn't seem easy, but I bet the work will be worth it. Here's the scoop:

1 cup sugar
1/3 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4 to 1 teaspoon flavoring
liquid food coloring
1 to 2 teaspoon(s) citric acid (optional)

1. Prepare either a marble slab or an upside-down cookie sheet (air underneath the sheet will help the candy to cool faster), by covering it with parchment paper and spraying it with oil. If you're using molds, prepare the molds with lollipop sticks, spray with oil, and place them on a cookie sheet or marble slab.

2. In your pan, over medium heat, stir together the sugar, corn syrup, water, and cream of tartar with a wooden spoon until the sugar crystals dissolve.

3. Continue to stir, using a pastry brush dampened with warm water to dissolve any sugar crystals clinging to the sides of the pan, then stop stirring as soon as the syrup starts to boil.

4. Place the candy thermometer in the pan, being careful not to let it touch the bottom or sides, and let the syrup boil without stirring until the thermometer just reaches 300degrees F (hard-crack stage).

5. Remove the pan from the heat immediately and let the syrup cool to about 275degrees F before adding flavor, color, cannabis tincture and citric acid (adding it sooner causes most of the flavor to cook away).

Be careful! The sugar syrup is extremely hot! If you burn yourself, run cold water over your hand for several minutes, but do not apply ice.

6. Working quickly, pour the syrup into the prepared molds and let cool for about 10 minutes. If you're not using molds, pour small (2-inch) circles onto the prepared marble slab or cookie sheet and place a lollipop stick in each one, twisting the stick to be sure it's covered with candy. (It helps to have a friend do this since you need to work quickly.)

7. Let the lollipops cool for at least 10 minutes, until they are hard. Wrap individually in plastic wrap or cellophane and seal with tape or twist ties. Store in a cool, dry place.

- Don't have any molds? You can simply pour small circles of syrup onto a greased cookie sheet and place sticks in the middle to make pops.

- It's best not to make lollipops on a rainy or humid day. Cooking candy syrup to the desired temperature means achieving a certain ratio of sugar to moisture in the candy. On a humid day, once the candy has cooled to the point where it is no longer evaporating moisture into the air, it can actually start reabsorbing moisture from the air. This can make the resulting candy softer than it is supposed to be.


- Why do I add corn syrup?
Corn syrup acts as an "interfering agent" in this and many other candy recipes. It contains long chains of glucose molecules that tend to keep the sucrose molecules in the lollipop syrup from crystallizing. Lots of sucrose crystals would result in grainy, opaque candy instead of the clear, glassy lollipops you're trying to create.

- What is cream of tartar?
Cream of tartar, or potassium bitartrate, is a fine white powder that is a by-product of the wine-making process. It's derived from argol, or tartar, which forms naturally during the fermentation of grape juice into wine and is deposited on the sides of the wine casks. It is useful in this recipe because it's an acid, another form of "interfering agent," which inverts sucrose into fructose and glucose and thereby helps to prevent crystallization of the sugar syrup.

- Why do I add citric acid?
Citric acid, sold as colorless crystals or powder, is an optional ingredient that adds tartness to fruit-flavored candies. The sour coating on the "super-sour" candies that are so popular today is a mixture of citric acid and sugar. You can find it in many supermarkets, craft stores, and baking supply stores - sometimes it's kept in the Kosher food section and is called "sour salt." It's also what gives fruits such as lemons and limes their sour taste.

- Why do I need to stop stirring after the syrup begins to boil?
At this point, you have dissolved the crystal structure of the sugar. Stirring or other agitation is one of the many factors that can encourage the fructose and glucose molecules in your syrup to rejoin and form sucrose - crystals of table sugar.

- Why do I wash down the sides of the pan?
Again, the sugar crystals are dissolved at this point in the process. A single "seed" crystal of sugar clinging to the side of the pot might fall in and is another factor that can encourage recrystallization.

Some tips for flavoring hard candy
You can use flavoring extracts that are available in the baking supplies section of your local supermarket, such as vanilla, almond, anise, maple, and lemon. Approximately 1 teaspoon of this kind of flavoring should be enough for a batch of lollipops.

There are also highly-concentrated flavorings specifically for candy making, available online or in specialty stores. The flavor choices are almost endless. These usually come in tiny 1-dram (1 teaspoon) bottles, and 1/4 teaspoon should be sufficient to flavor a batch of lollipops.

It's a good idea to have the flavors and colors that you will add to your candy measured out and ready beforehand. You will need to work quickly once the syrup reaches the hard-crack stage because it will harden quickly!

When using stronger flavors such as cinnamon, mint, and cherry, you can use a small amount (about 1/4 teaspoon). Subtler flavors such as lemon, strawberry, orange, and peach require more (1/2 to 1 teaspoon.) You can add about 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract with these flavors to accent them and add a "creamy" flavor.

If you're making several batches, save the stronger flavors for last or they may contaminate the other batches. Be sure to wash all measuring and mixing spoons in between batches as well.

- Hard-Crack Stage
300degrees F - 310degrees F
Sugar concentration: 99%

The hard-crack stage is the highest temperature you are likely to see specified in a candy recipe. At these temperatures, there is almost no water left in the syrup. Drop a little of the molten syrup in cold water and it will form hard, brittle threads that break when bent. CAUTION: To avoid burns, allow the syrup to cool in the cold water for a few moments before touching it!