Monday, June 11, 2012

Bud Butter

Cannabis Butter Recipe

How to make weed butter is the first thing to learn if you’re keen to start cooking with pot. Depending what circles you float in cannabis butter can also be known as CannaButter, weed butter, pot butter, bud butter etc. Although there are a host of names, the recipe and the way we cook it is the same.

Below you’ll find the most comprehensive recipe for weed butter anywhere. Once you’ve cooked pot butter you’ll be cooking your favourite marijuana recipe in no time. So

Cooking/Storage Equipment Required:
- A grinder
- A stove to heat the marijuana butter.
- A medium sized heavy duty sauce pan/pot with lid.
- A measuring cup.
- A whisk or a large fork to mix the material with the water/butter solution in the pot.
- Cheese cloth to strain the material before cooling.
- A bowl large enough to hold and cool the Cannabis Butter material.
- A heavy duty plastic wrap to handle and compress the weed butter into a smaller, easier to handle shape.
- A freezable container to store the finished CannaButter.

- 1lbs of unsalted butter.
- 2cups of water.
- 1 ounce of premium, middle or low grade Cannabis depending on strength preference

Firstly lets grind the Cannabis – Its needs to be nice and fine to make marijuana butter. I’d suggest using a coffee grinder for large amounts. Alternatively hand grinding the Cannabis will definitely help develop your technique!

Bring 2cups of water to a covered boil. Once the water is boiling, add your butter and melt it in the water. Reduce the heat and cover pan so the cannabis butter simmering.
Add the ground Cannabis material to the pan. Once you add the finely ground cannabis powder whisk and mix it into the pot thoroughly. Make sure the solution is nice and smooth, you don’t want any lumps in the pot butter crock pot.
Once added replace the lid and simmer on the lowest heat. It’s important when cooking pot butter that you don’t burn the bottom of the pan. This will really effect the taste of the CannaButter.

The CannaButter is now ready to simmer and cook for 22-24 hours. This amount of time is important. It is required to extract the THC from the Cannabis. Once finished take the cannabis butter off the heat.

You are now ready to extract the used Cannabis material from the CannaButter solution.
This is a really straightforward step, we’re just sieving all the little bits of cannabis from the solution, otherwise the cannabis butter will be full of bits.
Place the cheese cloth over an open bowl and ensure that when the liquid is poured through the cheese cloth will not go with it. Pour the cannabis butter solution into the large bowl.
In the cheese cloth you’ll have all the remaining bits of cannabis squeeze and extract as much of the solution from the cheese cloth and material as possible.

Place the bowl with the CannaButter solution into the fridge.
Leave it in the fridge until it has set, normally a few of hours. This will separate the fats from the water. The fat being our beautiful Cannabis Butter.

Removing Your Marijuana Butter and Storing:
Removing the CannaButter is tricky. You basically want to scrape out all of the pot butter that’s at the top of the bowl, leaving the water and other stuff at the bottom. Use a spoon or spatula.
Once you’ve collected all the cannabis butter discard the remaining liquid. Place the cannabis butter in air tight containers and place in the freezer (keeping the CannaButter fresh and the potency high).

Alternatively get cracking on those weed brownies, hash cakes and cannabis cookies you’ve been dying to cook! Oh and don’t forget to give the utensils a good licking, yummy!

The marijuana butter made in the recipe above can be used to make a whole host of things. Why not try some of our other recipes, maybe space cakes, weed brownies or even a hash cookie.
Or simply replace the butter in your favourite recipe with weed butter. Just make sure you tell your guests if you’re having a dinner party!!! Things could get a little out of hand!
Cannabis Oil

If weed butter isn’t your tipple why not give cannabis cooking oil a try. It does exactly the same thing as weed butter and many say is equally as potent. If anything cannabis oil is slightly easier to store than weed butter as you don’t need a fridge or a freezer. Once you make cannabis oil you can store it the same as any other oil, just pop it in the cupboard. Simple!

Storable cannabis cooking oil ingredients

1. 48 ounce bottle of Canola cooking oil
2. One large cooking pot
3. 1 ounce of nuggets or a quarter pound brick weed (or as much trim as you can fit in there.)
4. a metal wire strainer (to drain the oil)
5. a large funnel that fits in the cooking oil bottle


1. Empty the entire bottle of oil into the large pot.

2. HEAT on medium heat on stove until the oil it hot but NOT boiling...about 200 degrees, or just below boiling is great.

3. crumble up marijuana into shake, and pour seeds, stems, and all into pot.

4. keep stirring well about every 10 minutes or so for the next 2 hours. Do NOT allow the mixture to boil, but try to keep it hanging just below the boiling point. Make sure you don’t boil the cannabis oil, if it gets to hot the cannabis will burn and taste horrible.

5. After 2 hours, the oil may appear greenish, and possibly a little brown. This is normal as the resin has been properly extracted from the leaf products.

6. Let the oil cool for half an hour before this step. Carefully strain the cannabis oil through the strainer. Pour the cannabis oil into an equally large container - be sure to squeeze the weed well to get all the cannabis cooking oil out.

7. Funnel the oil back into the bottle and start cooking those lovely weed brownies!

Usage: Use sparingly, remember too much and you’ll be struggling to blink never mind walking or talking. A good rule of thumb is to do like for like with whatever you’re cooking. If it says 2 table spoons of oil, use two table spoons!


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