Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Stoner's Epiphany

So, the other day, I was extremely high on some luscious fruity pebbles. It is one of those weeds that gives me a pleasant, bubbly high and a serious case of the munchies. But something was different this time around. Let me give you some history leading up the event I'm about to tell you:

My man and I have a great relationship, but a few days ago, maybe a week or so past, we got into a huge fight. Screaming, tears, walking away and in the midst of all of that, we came found that we loved each other- more so on my part and I couldn't let him go. No way. Not ever. It was an experience of love that totally catapulted my view of the world. Never had I once felt something so real and later that night, when all was quiet, the house empty while he was at work, I reached a moment of womanhood. I gazed about my home, the things we had built and I simply thought- a time of thinking in the glorious haze induced by some powerful weed. My mind whirled with memories of life and yet I looked at them from a whole new perspective. It was overwhelming and I'm sure I cried tears of joys that only seemed to enhance my high.

Now, if anyone knows me, they know that my passion in life is literature. The written word consumes my life. It has bewitched my mind and soul. In this moment of self-discovery, I was hit with the most powerful inspiration I have ever experienced. I akin this feeling to what the disciples must have felt when led by God to write the Bible. A thought was placed in my mind and from it sprung a short passage of truth that I can't believe stemmed from my fingers. I was entranced and absorbed in its writing till in  the moment of its completion, I resurfaced with a gasp. The epiphany I had was spiritual, beyond what I had written before. Now, this could all have been because I was high enough to connect with the heavens or maybe just a bit lost in the crazy haze of love, but here it is anyways for you to ponder for yourself:

A Woman's Epiphany~

The world is against weed because Satan is against weed. Weed is an herb of enlightenment. It connects someone with themselves and opens eyes to the realities of life. It reveals and sharpens Satan's sins in this world and brings us to focus on the glorious little things that God puts here to bring us peace. Satan, a lover of all twisted and evil, despises weed for the state of Nirvana in which it places its smokers- a state where contemplation of the world is inevitable. God's beauty, love and peace consume, overwhelming us in a haze of truth. 

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